On Mon, Aug 29, 2016 at 3:38 AM, tina wang <tina.w...@oracle.com> wrote:
> Hi There:
>    I read Writing your own Guacamole application
> <http://guacamole.incubator.apache.org/doc/gug/writing-you-own-guacamole-app.html>
> to create a dummy web application, but it fail when connect guacd with the
> error: Connection refused: connect

Hi Tina,

Can you confirm that the hostname, port, etc. for the connection to
guacd are the same as you are using with the mainline web application?

>    I can confirm guacd is started, because I can connect using guacamole own
> webapplication. do you know why the connecton is refused. I need provide
> authentication? if so, how? Any comments would be very appreciated.

There is no authentication for guacd. Even if there were, however, it
could not have anything to do with the error you're seeing. That error
is coming directly from Java's socket implementation and is due to the
TCP connection failing outright.

If the mainline web application does work, and you are positive that
guacd is indeed running, then the most likely reason for this failure
is that basic TCP connection information being passed to the
InetGuacamoleSocket is incorrect.

- Mike

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