
I have a question about how to run hama in eclipse environment.

At first, I set up my develop environment according to this page. (

Then, because I wanted to run pseudo distributed mode, I ran each daemon
under eclipse. (zookeeper -> bspmaster -> groomserver). To run those, I
executed three runner for them; ZookeeprRunner, BSPMasterRunner and
After all daemons launched, I ran dummy BSP program.

At that time, BSPMaster throws OOM exception. Code throws an exception is
in "RPC.Invocation.readFields" method. While it executed this line, it
throws the exception.

    parameters = new Object[in.readInt()];

The number of object to create is 308766068. If sizeof(java.lang.Object) is
8 byte, total size is over 2G. I think that it must be wrong.

What did I mistake? What mistake make me go wrong way?
I am debugging with eclipse, but I want to some advices from you.

Thank you.

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