On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 5:01 PM, Nathan Beyer <ndbe...@apache.org> wrote:

> One concept I've been working with is using annotations to describe
> the tests for the purposes of exclusions and for platform definition.
> The annotations can then be utilized in many ways via JUnit - method
> rules, request processing filters and others. Here's an example of how
> the tests might look.
> class FileTest {
>  @Test
>  @Platform(os="windows")
>  public void testSomethingOnWindows { }

I would prefer to match tests to their platforms in an external file, rather
than on the test itself.

For example, on Android would like to mark some tests up as known to fail on
our device, but we don't want to muck up the original test with
Android-specific stuff. Similarly for webOS and NetBSD and whichever
platforms are also running Harmony's tests.

Our test runner (to be open sourced soon!) accepts a set of files that
specify the expected outcome of various tests. When we run our tests against
the RI, we give it one set of files ("sunjava5expectations.txt"); when we
run it on Android we give it another set of files

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