On Sun, Jul 4, 2010 at 8:05 PM, <regi...@apache.org> wrote:

> File.counter could be accessed by multiple threads, so use AtomicInteger to
> make
> sure each thread using different int value to create temp file.

Is this a sufficient fix for the problem? The file system may be shared by
multiple concurrently-executing VMs. Coordinating access to temp files
within a single VM doesn't prevent other processes from grabbing the same
file names.

A more robust solution might involve including the VM's process ID in the
filename. Or perhaps some kind of create-and-test protocol in a loop.

On Tue, Jul 6, 2010 at 6:56 AM, Mark Hindess <mark.hind...@googlemail.com>wrote:

> This breaks the build for the IBM VME (from developerWorks).  Since they
> don't have a sun.misc.Unsafe, so the AtomicInteger can't be resolved.

If VME is to stay modern, they're going to need to support
java.util.concurrent. I don't think Harmony should provide a
lowest-common-denominator class library; supporting systems that don't have
j.u.c is an unnecessary handicap.

Particularly since they can implement AtomicInteger using less efficient
concurrency primitives. There's even a full
backport<http://backport-jsr166.sourceforge.net/>that could close some
gaps if the standard java.util.concurrent isn't
feasible for their VM.

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