Hortonworks HDP uses passwordless ssh.  (

I have used it on AWS and other cloud and virtual environments with no
issue.  On AWS we use the internal network for passwordless ssh access.
The public address changes, but the internal network stays the same.

I know of a number of Hadoop ecosystem vendors that use passwordless ssh.
So your assertion that Hawq is the only Hadoop based platform using it is
not true.    However, that does not mean that there are not benefits in
figuring out how to get the software to work without passwordless.  Someone
would have to make a determination of how important that capability is
versus other priorities.

James Campbell
Data Engineer
Pivotal Software
P:  571-247-6511
E:  jacampb...@pivotal.io

On November 4, 2016 at 6:34:58 PM, Roman Shaposhnik (ro...@shaposhnik.org)


this has come up a few times. E.g.:
but today it bit me again -- relying on ssh
in the cloud is super inconvenient and presents
a major usability issue. On top of which, in my
case I was using Ambari for managing HAWQ
which means the ssh'ing is also redundant since
Ambari is perfectly capable of running scripts where
they belong.

So here's my question: how do we want to address
it so that new comers to HAWQ have a better time
working with it? Note, I'm not asking for a pony here,
just the kind of usability experience I expect from
any Hadoop ecosystem project (HAWQ is the only
one relying on ssh for non-dev environments).

As Cos mentioned in this thread -- this is definitely
a prerequisite for Bigtop packaging.


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