Does hbase-dev still get forwarded? Did you see the below message?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Lars George <>
Date: Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 4:25 PM
Subject: HRegion.RegionScanner.nextInternal()


I am officially confused:

         byte [] nextRow;
         do {
 , limit - results.size());
           if (limit > 0 && results.size() == limit) {
             if (this.filter != null && filter.hasFilterRow()) throw
new IncompatibleFilterException(
                 "Filter with filterRow(List<KeyValue>) incompatible
with scan with limit!");
             return true; // we are expecting more yes, but also
limited to how many we can return.
         } while (Bytes.equals(currentRow, nextRow = peekRow()));

This is from the nextInternal() call. Questions:

a) Why is that check for the filter and limit both being set inside the loop?

b) if "limit" is the batch size (which for a Get is "-1", not "1" as I
would have thought) then what does that "limit - results.size()"

I mean, this loops gets all columns for a given row, so batch/limit
should not be handled here, right? what if limit were set to "1" by
the client? Then even if the Get had 3 columns to retrieve it would
not be able to since this limit makes it bail out. So there would be
multiple calls to nextInternal() to complete what could be done in one



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