On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 7:53 AM, Ted Dunning <tdunn...@maprtech.com> wrote:
> This is on 0.90, right?  Were you using HDFS to store your region tables?
> I just ran into the same thing and looked into the
> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.wal.SequenceFileLogReader$WALReader$WALReaderFSDataInputStream.getPos
> method.
> That method does some truly hideous reflection things without checking that
> the objects involved actually are the correct type.  It also pierces the
> visibility constraints on fields internal to objects by manipulating their
> visibility.
> Is that code really necessary?  Is there a good way to make it less
> sensitive to violation of its assumptions?

Yeah, its ugly, but acrobatics were required to get around dumb
dfsclient limitation (See hbase-3038).

As to your question Ted, it does seem like we could do the reflection
once-only in the constructor rather than every time we do a getPos.
Let me ask Nicolas.  Maybe he had reason for having to do it each
time.  As to its assumptions, what you think?  It assumes class has a
data member named 'in' and that file length is a long which seems safe
enough.  Otherwise, its just changing accessibility.

> My own situation is a bit unusual since I was testing hbase on a non-HDFS
> file system, but Abinash's experience makes it seem that there is something
> worse going on.

Ted, you need something changed?  If so, lets do it now before I roll
next 0.90.0RC.


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