On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 1:53 PM, Stack <st...@duboce.net> wrote:

> Nigel has started up the hadoop 0.22.0 release train.  What does hbase
> want in there?  Fighting for hdfs-918 in 0.22.0 is probably not going
> to fly but if there is other stuff we need, lets do the work to help
> get it committed.

0.22.0 is essentially feature-frozen at this point, so it's really only bugs
that can be wrestled in. Of course now is the best time to start wrestling
things in for 0.23, though, which is likely to be the next release that
everyone converges on.

> We should also do a bit of testing of HBase on top of the 0.22 branch
> soon to see that all basically works and so we can file blockers if
> there is anything in the way of our working smoothly on this new
> release.
> Yours,
> St.Ack

Todd Lipcon
Software Engineer, Cloudera

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