Regarding HDFS-347, I believe the following to be true:

  - The "bastard" option, i.e. Ryan's patch against 0.20 that just does local 
reads via File, does lower latency enough to make a difference in HBase random 
read latencies as measured. I forget the magnitude of the difference offhand 
but seem to remember something like at least 2x. Can't say about the FD-passing 
variant because I don't think any HBasers have used it. I want to test both 
myself, but am limited to EC2 based testbeds so will have a lot of difficulty 
(to say the least) correcting for platform variability, so it's pretty far down 
the to-do list as a result.

  - HBASE-SEARCH (HBASE-3529) uses this to make Lucene embedding work:

    - Andy

> From: Doug Meil <>
> Subject: HDFS-1599 status?  (HDFS tickets to improve HBase)
> To: "" <>
> Date: Thursday, June 2, 2011, 2:00 PM
> Hi folks, I was wondering if there
> was any movement on any of these HDFS tickets for
> HBase.  The umbrella ticket is HDFS-1599, but the last
> comment from stack back in Feb highlighted interest in
> several tickets:
> 1)      HDFS-918 (use single selector)
> a.       Last comment Jan 2011
> 2)      HDFS-941 (reuse of connection)
> a.       Patch available as of
> April 2011
> b.      But ticket still unresolved.
> 3)      HDFS-347 (local reads)
> a.       Discussion seemed to end
> in March 2011 with a huge comment saying that there was no
> performance benefit.
> b.      I'm working my way through this
> comment/report, but intuitively it seems like it would be a
> good idea since as the other comments in the ticket stated
> the RS reads locally just about every time.
> Doug Meil
> Chief Software Architect, Explorys

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