
On 7/14/11 2:16 PM, "Andrew Purtell" <apurt...@apache.org> wrote:

>HBASE-2400 introduced a new connector contrib architecturally equivalent
>to the Thrift connector, but using Avro serialization and associated
>transport and RPC server work. However, it remains unfinished, was
>developed against an old version of Avro, is currently not maintained,
>and is regarded as "not production quality" (see:
>. Therefore I propose:
>If a contributor steps up, then this person should bring the Avro
>connector up to par with the Thrift connector.
>Otherwise, we should deprecate and remove the Avro connector.
>Best regards,
>    - Andy
>Problems worthy of attack prove their worth by hitting back. - Piet Hein
>(via Tom White)

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