
'mvn site -DskipTests=true' works fine here with maven 3.

What does 'mvn clean site -DskipTests=true -U' give?

I would also 'svn revert' my local hbase repo (to be sure pom has not been locally modified).

...and even remove some local maven jars from $HOME/.m2/ (e.g. $HOME/.m2/org/apache/maven (I helped a collegue some time ago who had unbelievable maven errors, and this came from bad jars in its local maven repository).

Hope this helps.

On 04/08/11 04:17, Ted Yu wrote:
Collective wisdom is needed here.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Doug Meil<doug.m...@explorysmedical.com>
Date: Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 7:07 PM
Subject: Re: mvn error?
To: Ted Yu<yuzhih...@gmail.com>

I don't believe this…   I'm getting the same error even with mvn 2.

INFO] [site:site {execution: default-site}]
[INFO] Unable to load parent project from a relative path: Could not find
the model file '/Users/local/EXPLORYS/doug.meil/Documents/Hbasewrk/pom.xml'.
for project unknown
[INFO] Parent project loaded from repository.
[INFO] Unable to load parent project from a relative path: Could not find
the model file '/Users/local/EXPLORYS/doug.meil/Documents/Hbasewrk/pom.xml'.
for project unknown
[INFO] Parent project loaded from repository.
[INFO] Skipped "About" report, file "index.html" already exists for the
English version.
[INFO] Generating "Project Team" report.

From: Ted Yu<yuzhih...@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 3 Aug 2011 21:59:45 -0400

To: Doug Meil<doug.m...@explorysmedical.com>
Subject: Re: mvn error?

At our company mvn 3 gave us some headache.
Please use mvn 2.


On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 6:58 PM, Doug Meil<doug.m...@explorysmedical.com>wrote:

doug-meils-macbook-pro:hbase doug.meil$ mvn -version
Apache Maven 3.0.2 (r1056850; 2011-01-08 19:58:10-0500)
Java version: 1.6.0_24, vendor: Apple Inc.
Java home: /System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/Home
Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: MacRoman
OS name: "mac os x", version: "10.6.7", arch: "x86_64", family: "mac"

From: Ted Yu<yuzhih...@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 3 Aug 2011 21:51:22 -0400
To: Doug Meil<doug.m...@explorysmedical.com>
Subject: Re: mvn error?

Your command didn't work for me:

[INFO] Invalid task '##skipTests': you must specify a valid lifecycle
phase, or a goal in the format plugin:goal or

'mvn site' completed successfully.

tyumac:trunk tyu$ mvn -version
Apache Maven 2.2.1 (r801777; 2009-08-06 12:16:01-0700)
Java version: 1.6.0_26

What version of mvn are you using ?

On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 6:32 PM, Doug Meil<doug.m...@explorysmedical.com>wrote:

Hey Ted, sorry to bug you but I just got an error I haven't had before…

When executing from this directory…


… this command  'mvn –DskipTests site"

… I got this error…   for some reason it's trying to find a pom.xml in the
parent directory, not in the local directory. So the error is "correct"
in the sense that the pom.xml isn't there, but I'm at a loss as to explain
why it's not looking locally.  Did I honk my system up or did something

[INFO] Unable to load parent project from a relative path: 1 problem was
encountered while building the effective model
[FATAL] Non-readable POM
/Users/local/EXPLORYS/doug.meil/Documents/Hbasewrk/pom.xml (No such file or
directory) @
  for project  at
/Users/local/EXPLORYS/doug.meil/Documents/Hbasewrk/pom.xml for project  at
[INFO] Parent project loaded from repository.
[INFO] Unable to load parent project from a relative path: 1 problem was
encountered while building the effective model
[FATAL] Non-readable POM
/Users/local/EXPLORYS/doug.meil/Documents/Hbasewrk/pom.xml (No such file or
directory) @
  for project  at
/Users/local/EXPLORYS/doug.meil/Documents/Hbasewrk/pom.xml for project  at
[INFO] Parent project loaded from repository.

Doug Meil
Chief Software Architect, Explorys

Eric Charles

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