(sorry for the damaged subject :))

Hey Jon,
We have two column families.
There are no filters and there's a full table scan. We're not skipping
I did see however a single time that we had one qualifier "fault" in the
job counters (it was missing, and it wasn't supposed to be missing).
However that was only once and it doesn't happen when we encounter missing

We're getting this behavior consistently although I couldn't figure a way
to reproduce it. I'll try running multiple instances of the job in
parallel to figure out if that would affect the outcome.
I'll probably have to add more debugging for the affected rows and dig

HBASE-2856 is a pretty large issue - do you think it could be related to
what I'm seeing? If so it could help me reproduce it.


On 2/1/12 11:30 PM, "Jonathan Hsieh" <j...@cloudera.com> wrote:

>How many column families to you have in this table?   Are you using any
>filters in you HBase scans?  Are you using skip rows that may not have
>qualifiers present?
>There are a few known issues with multi-CF atomicity and a recent one
>flushes that may be related to this problem.  There HBASE-2856, a fix
>having to do with flushes which is pretty intricate and only in 0.92.
>On Wed, Feb 1, 2012 at 8:46 PM, Cosmin Lehene <cleh...@adobe.com> wrote:
>> We have a MR job that runs every few minutes on some time series data
>> which is continuously updated (never deleted).
>> Every few (in the range of tens to hundreds) runs the map task that
>> the last region will get fewer input records (off by 500-5000 rows)
>> any splits happening. This lower number of input records could persist
>> a few MR runs, but will eventually get back to the "correct" value.
>> This drop can be seen both in the "map input records" metric but it's
>> correlated with the metrics that get computed by the MR job (so it's
>>not a
>> MR counter bug).
>> There are no exceptions in the MR job, or in the region server and this
>> doesn't seem to be correlated with any compaction, split or region
>> The only "variable" in this scenario is that new data gets injected
>> continuously (and the actual MR job which is idempotent)
>> This entire puzzle takes place on  HBase 0.90.5 ­ish (12 dec 2011) on
>> of Hadoop cdh3u2.
>> Cosmin
>// Jonathan Hsieh (shay)
>// Software Engineer, Cloudera
>// j...@cloudera.com

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