I like the idea of "getServerCapabilities()" as a bitset.

   - Andy

On Wed, Aug 1, 2012 at 11:04 AM, Todd Lipcon <t...@cloudera.com> wrote:
> One possibility:
> During the IPC handshake, we could send the full version string /
> source checksum. Then, have a client-wide map which caches which
> methods have been found to be supported or not supported for an
> individual version. So, we don't need to maintain the mapping
> ourselves, but we also wouldn't need to do the full retry every time.
> A different idea would be to introduce a call like
> "getServerCapabilities()" which returns a bitmap, and define a bit per
> time that we add a new feature.
> The advantage of these approaches vs a single increasing version
> number is that we sometimes want to backport a new IPC to an older
> version, but not backport all of the intervening IPCs. Having a bitmap
> allows us to "pick and choose" on backports without having to pull in
> a bunch of things we didn't necessarily want.
> -Todd
> On Wed, Aug 1, 2012 at 1:41 AM, Stack <st...@duboce.net> wrote:
>> On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 1:47 AM, Devaraj Das <d...@hortonworks.com> wrote:
>>> Wondering whether we should retain the VersionedProtocol now that we have 
>>> protobuf implementation for most (all?) of the protocols. I think we still 
>>> need the version checks and do them when we need to. Take this case:
>>> 1. Protocol Foo has as one of the methods FooMethod(FooMethodRequest).
>>> 2. Protocol Foo evolves over time, and the FooMethod(FooMethodRequest) now 
>>> has a better implementation called FooMethod_improved(FooMethodRequest).
>>> 3. HBase installations have happened with both the protocol implementations.
>>> 4. Clients should be able to talk to both old and new servers (and invoke 
>>> the newer implementation of FooMethod if the protocol implements it).
>>> (4) is possible when the getProtocolVersion is implemented by the protocol 
>>> at the server. The client could check what the version of the protocol was 
>>> (assuming VersionedProtocol semantics where the protocol version number is 
>>> upgraded for such significant changes) and depending on that invoke the 
>>> appropriate method...
>>> Having to map version-numbers of protocols to the methods-supported is 
>>> probably arcane IMO but works..
>>> The other approach (that wouldn't require the version#) is to do something 
>>> like - On the client side, get the protocol methods supported at the server 
>>> (and cache it) and then look this map up whenever needed to decide which 
>>> method to invoke.
>>> Any thoughts on whether we should invest time in the second approach yet?
>> The VersionedProtocol w/ client being able to interrogate what methods
>> a server supports strikes me as a facility that will be rarely used if
>> at all and bringing it along, keeping up the directory of supported
>> methods, will take a load of work on our part that we'll do less than
>> perfectly so should it ever be needed, it won't work because we let it
>> go stale.
>> What do you reckon?
>> The above painted scenario too is a little on the exotic side.  We can
>> do something like Jimmy suggests in those rare cases we need to add a
>> new method because there is insufficient wiggle-room w/i the
>> particular PB method call (If we get into the issue Ted raises where
>> we'd have to go back to the server twice because there is a third new
>> method call, we're doing our API wrong).
>> The protocol needs a version though.  We'll be still sending that
>> 'hrpc' long in the header preamble?  Should we add a version long
>> after the 'hrpc' long?
>> As to a directory of supported methods, do we need this in the
>> protocol at all?  Can't this be knowledge kept outside of the
>> on-the-wire back and forth?
>> St.Ack
> --
> Todd Lipcon
> Software Engineer, Cloudera

Best regards,

   - Andy

Problems worthy of attack prove their worth by hitting back. - Piet
Hein (via Tom White)

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