could you point me to the big picture of this jira?

from what I've understood this is something like
extending the Bytes.toInt() to all the types
to allow the user to have something more like
      table.putInt(myKey, 100);
      int v = table.getInt(myKey)

something like this right?
or is there something more?
like table schemas, entities & co similar to the kiji project?

are you also thinking at some sort of data-awareness server side
for example encoding/compression based on the data type
or compaction policies if your key is a date or similar?


On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 4:42 PM, Nick Dimiduk <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'd like to draw your attention to HBASE-8089. The desire is to add type
> support to HBase. There are two primary objectives: make the lives of
> developers building on HBase easier, and facilitate better tools on top of
> HBase. Please chime in with any feature suggestions you think we've missed
> in initial conversations.
> Thanks,
> -n
> [0]:

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