On Tue, Jul 30, 2013 at 3:28 PM, Enis Söztutar <enis....@gmail.com> wrote:

> Let me elaborate. There are at least new RPC PB, PB structures in HFiles /
> hlogs, and zk, table locks, bucket cache, online merge, stochastic LB,
> hbase on windows, *new data types*, AM changes, favorite node assignment,
> dist log replay, and tons of MTTR changes that are not run in production so
> far.

Re: new data types, allow me to throw my hat into the ring as well. I spoke
with Stack this morning about a plan that I hope will allow the new data
type API to squeeze in without requiring the order-preserving encoding. I'd
like to get this API out with 0.96 so that users interested in adopting
this feature can start migrating their applications sooner than later.
Jealously, I want to start work on the Hive/HBase plumbing using this API
and the Hive guys are only willing to accept code that is built against a
labeled HBase release. I'm hoping other projects (*cough* Phoenix, Impala,
Kiji *cough*) are keen to follow suit. It also allows for the feature to
fan out internally -- Filters, Coprocessors, ImportTsv, &c. Using this
approach, DataType and Legacy* friends come in for 0.96.0 and OrderedBytes
can join the party in a 0.96.x when it's ready for adoption.


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