Good to see this Rajesh. Thanks a lot to Huawei HBase team!


On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 11:49 AM, rajeshbabu chintaguntla <> wrote:

> Hi,
> We have been working on implementing secondary index in HBase, and had
> shared an overview of our design in the 2012  Hadoop Technical Conference
> at Beijing( We are pleased to open source it
> today.
> The project is available on github.
> It is 100% Java, compatible with Apache HBase 0.94.8, and is open sourced
> under Apache Software License v2.
> Following features are supported currently.
> -          multiple indexes on table,
> -          multi column index,
> -          index based on part of a column value,
> -          equals and range condition scans using index, and
> -          bulk loading data to indexed table (Indexing done with bulk
> load)
> We now plan to raise HBase JIRA(s) to make it available in Apache release,
> and can hopefully continue our work on this in the community.
> Regards
> Rajeshbabu

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