We currently have 4 branches (0.94, 0.96, 0.98, and trunk).
For bug and test fixes, do we really need the release managers to agree to 
every single check-in.
 currently wants to stabilize the tests in 0.98 so looking at every 
change there makes sense and was specifically requested by him.

What about 0.94, 0.96, and trunk. I do not feel like I need to be pinged for 
every bug/test fix for 0.94.

 would propose that committers use good judgment and commit small 
changes to fix bugs and tests to any branch without a nod from the RMs, unless 
specifically request as with 0.98. If we can't trust a committer with that, 
(s)he should not be a committer.
For larger fixes and any new feature the RMs should be pinged of course.

Related to this, it seems we're a little loose with trunk as in "It's OK it's 
just trunk". Trunk will become a release eventually and IMHO we should aim for 
keeping trunk in a releasable state as much as this is possible.
If we had done that before 0.96, Stack would not have had to face the 
superhuman task of getting 0.96 back to a releasable state.

Does trunk need a release manager?


-- Lars

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