Any votes out there for this one?

On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 4:41 PM, Stack <> wrote:

> The third release candidate for hbase-0.96.2 is available here:
> and up in a staging memory repository here:
> This RC has two fixes beyond RC0 and RC1:
>  HBASE-10819 "(HBASE-10819) Backport HBASE-8063 (Filter HFiles based on
> first/last key) into 0.96" Stack
>  HBASE-10802 "CellComparator.compareStaticIgnoreMvccVersion compares type
> wrongly" Ramkrishna S Vasudevan
> Shall we release this RC as hbase-0.96.2?  Vote closes on Tuesday, April
> 1st.
> Thanks,
> St.Ack
> On Sun, Mar 23, 2014 at 10:45 AM, Stack <> wrote:
>> Here is RC1.  Its the same as RC0 only it is properly named and I svn
>> add'd a bit of missing doc.  You can download it here:
>> It is up in a staging maven repository here:
>> See below for list of fixes since 0.96.1.
>> Shall we release this as hbase-0.96.2?  Please vote by Monday, March 31st.
>> Thanks,
>> St.Ack
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Stack <>
>> Date: Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 12:43 PM
>> Subject: ANNOUNCE: The first hbase-0.96.2 release candidate is available
>> for download
>> To: HBase Dev List <>
>> hbase-0.96.2RC0 is the first release candidate for hbase-0.96.2.  It is a
>> bug fix release that includes 129 fixes [1] since hbase-0.96.1 (from 41
>> distinct contributors).
>> You can download the release candidate here:
>> It is staged in an apache maven repository at this location:
>> Shall we release this candidate as hbase-0.96.2?  Lets close the vote in
>> a week on March 26th.
>> Yours,
>> St.Ack
>> 1.
>> Here is the list of CHANGEs:
>> HBASE-10161 [AccessController] Tolerate regions in recovery" Anoop Sam
>> John
>> HBASE-10384 Failed to increment serveral columns in one Increment" Jimmy
>> Xiang
>> HBASE-10313 Duplicate servlet-api jars in hbase 0.96.0" stack
>> HBASE-10370 Compaction in out-of-date Store causes region split failure"
>> Liu Shaohui
>> HBASE-10366 0.94 filterRow() may be skipped in 0.96(or onwards) code"
>> Jeffrey Zhong
>> HBASE-10556 Possible data loss due to non-handled
>> DroppedSnapshotException for user-triggered flush from client/shell"
>> Honghua Feng
>> HBASE-10582 0.94->0.96 Upgrade: ACL can't be repopulated when ACL table
>> contains row for table '-ROOT' or '.META.'" Jeffrey Zhong
>> HBASE-10581 ACL znode are left without PBed during upgrading hbase0.94*
>> to hbase0.96+" Jeffrey Zhong
>> HBASE-10575 ReplicationSource thread can't be terminated if it runs into
>> the loop to contact peer's zk ensemble and fails continuously" Honghua Feng
>> HBASE-10436 restore regionserver lists removed from hbase 0.96+ jmx"
>> Jonathan Hsieh
>> HBASE-10449 Wrong execution pool configuration in HConnectionManager"
>> Nicolas Liochon
>> HBASE-10442 prepareDelete() isn't called before doPreMutationHook for a
>> row deletion case" Jeffrey Zhong
>> HBASE-10598 Written data can not be read out because
>> MemStore#timeRangeTracker might be updated concurrently" cuijianwei
>> HBASE-10679 Both clients get wrong scan results if the first scanner
>> expires and the second scanner is created with the same scannerId on the
>> same region" Honghua Feng
>> HBASE-10514 Forward port HBASE-10466, possible data loss when failed
>> flushes" stack
>> HBASE-10749 CellComparator.compareStatic() compares type wrongly"
>> ramkrishna.s.vasudevan
>> HBASE-9151 HBCK cannot fix when meta server znode deleted, this can
>> happen if all region servers stopped and there are no logs to split."
>> rajeshbabu
>> HBASE-8803 region_mover.rb should move multiple regions at a time"
>> Jean-Marc Spaggiari
>> HBASE-10043 HBASE-10033 Fix Potential Resouce Leak in
>> MultiTableInputFormatBase" Elliott Clark
>> HBASE-10195 "mvn site" build failed with OutOfMemoryError" Jeffrey Zhong
>> HBASE-10196 Enhance HBCK to understand the case after online region
>> merge" chunhui shen
>> HBASE-10137 GeneralBulkAssigner with retain assignment plan can be used
>> in EnableTableHandler to bulk assign the regions" rajeshbabu
>> HBASE-10157 Provide CP hook post log replay" Anoop Sam John
>> HBASE-10155 HRegion isRecovering state is wrongly coming in postOpen
>> hook" Anoop Sam John
>> HBASE-10146 Bump HTrace version to 2.04" Elliott Clark
>> HBASE-10124 HBASE-10033 Make Sub Classes Static When Possible" Elliott
>> Clark
>> HBASE-10084 [WINDOWS] bin\hbase.cmd should allow whitespaces in
>> java.library.path and classpath" Enis Soztutar
>> HBASE-10186 region_mover.rb broken because ServerName constructor is
>> changed to private" Samir Ahmic
>> HBASE-10098 [WINDOWS] pass in native library directory from hadoop for
>> unit tests" Enis Soztutar
>> HBASE-10110 HBASE-10033 Fix Potential Resource Leak in StoreFlusher"
>> Elliott Clark
>> HBASE-10264 [MapReduce]: CompactionTool in mapred mode is missing classes
>> in its classpath" Himanshu Vashishtha
>> HBASE-10260 Canary Doesn't pick up Configuration properly." Elliott Clark
>> HBASE-10232 Remove native profile from hbase-shell" Elliott Clark
>> HBASE-10221 Region from coprocessor invocations can be null on failure"
>> Andrew Purtell
>> HBASE-10220 Put all test service principals into the superusers list"
>> Andrew Purtell
>> HBASE-10219 HTTPS support for HBase in RegionServerListTmpl.jamon" Ted Yu
>> HBASE-10218 Port HBASE-10142 'TestLogRolling#testLogRollOnDatanodeDeath
>> test failure' to 0.96 branch" Ted Yu
>> HBASE-10332 Missing .regioninfo file during daughter open processing"
>> Matteo Bertozzi
>> HBASE-10315 Canary shouldn't exit with 3 if there is no master running."
>> Elliott Clark
>> HBASE-10310 ZNodeCleaner session expired for /hbase/master" Samir Ahmic
>> HBASE-10375 hbase-default.xml hbase.status.multicast.address.port does
>> not match code" Nicolas Liochon
>> HBASE-10349 Table became unusable when master balanced its region after
>> table was dropped" Jimmy Xiang
>> HBASE-10389 Add namespace help info in table related shell commands"
>> Jerry He
>> HBASE-10334 RegionServer links in table.jsp is broken" Enis Soztutar
>> HBASE-10333 Assignments are not retained on a cluster start" Jimmy Xiang
>> HBASE-10059 TestSplitLogWorker#testMultipleTasks fails occasionally"
>> Jeffrey Zhong
>> HBASE-10500 Some tools OOM when BucketCache is enabled" Nick Dimiduk
>> HBASE-10511 Add latency percentiles on PerformanceEvaluation" Nicolas
>> Liochon
>> HBASE-10526 HBASE-9245 Using Cell instead of KeyValue in
>> HFileOutputFormat" Jimmy Xiang
>> HBASE-10518 DirectMemoryUtils.getDirectMemoryUsage spams when none is
>> configured" Nick Dimiduk
>> HBASE-10486 ProtobufUtil Append & Increment deserialization lost cell
>> level timestamp" Jeffrey Zhong
>> HBASE-10534 Rowkey in TsvImporterTextMapper initializing with wrong
>> length" rajeshbabu
>> HBASE-10644 TestSecureExportSnapshot#testExportFileSystemState fails on
>> hadoop-1" Ted Yu
>> HBASE-10565 FavoredNodesPlan accidentally uses an internal Netty type"
>> Andrew Purtell
>> HBASE-10563 Set name for FlushHandler thread" Himanshu Vashishtha
>> HBASE-10586 hadoop2-compat IPC metric registred twice" Matteo Bertozzi
>> HBASE-10580 IntegrationTestingUtility#restoreCluster leak resource when
>> running in a mini cluster mode" Jeffrey Zhong
>> HBASE-10614 Master could not be stopped" Jingcheng Du
>> HBASE-10612 Remove unnecessary dependency on org.eclipse.jdt:core" Ted Yu
>> HBASE-10608 Acquire the FS Delegation Token for Secure ExportSnapshot"
>> Matteo Bertozzi
>> HBASE-10431 Rename" Nicolas
>> Liochon
>> HBASE-10422 ZeroCopyLiteralByteString.zeroCopyGetBytes has an unusable
>> prototype and conflicts with AsyncHBase" Benoit Sigoure
>> HBASE-10537 Let the ExportSnapshot mapper fail and retry on error" Matteo
>> Bertozzi
>> HBASE-10624 Fix 2 new findbugs warnings introduced by HBASE-10598" Ted Yu
>> HBASE-10622 Improve log and Exceptions in Export Snapshot" Matteo Bertozzi
>> HBASE-10677 boundaries check in hbck throwing IllegalArgumentException"
>> rajeshbabu
>> HBASE-10649 TestMasterMetrics fails occasionally" Jimmy Xiang
>> HBASE-10682 region_mover.rb throws "can't convert nil into String" for
>> regions moved" Matteo Bertozzi
>> HBASE-10712 Backport HBASE-8304 to 0.94 and 0.96" haosdent
>> HBASE-9778 Add hint to ExplicitColumnTracker to avoid seeking" Lars
>> Hofhansl
>> HBASE-10707 HBASE-8369 Backport parent issue to 0.96" stack
>> HBASE-10632 Region lost in limbo after ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
>> during assignment" Enis Soztutar
>> HBASE-10718 TestHLogSplit fails when it sets a KV size to be negative"
>> Esteban Gutierrez
>> HBASE-10726 Fix java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in
>> StochasticLoadBalancer$LocalityBasedCandidateGenerator" Enis Soztutar
>> HBASE-10737 HConnectionImplementation should stop RpcClient on close"
>> Jimmy Xiang
>> HBASE-10741 HBASE-9117 Deprecate HTablePool and HTableFactory" Nick
>> Dimiduk
>> HBASE-10751 TestHRegion testWritesWhileScanning occasional fail since
>> HBASE-10514 went in" stack
>> HBASE-10762 clone_snapshot doesn't check for missing namespace" Matteo
>> Bertozzi
>> HBASE-9721 RegionServer should not accept regionOpen RPC intended for
>> another(previous) server" Enis Soztutar
>> HBASE-10766 SnapshotCleaner allows to delete referenced files" bharath v
>> HBASE-10549 When there is a hole, LoadIncrementalHFiles will hang in an
>> infinite loop." yuanxinen
>> HBASE-10476 HBase Master log grows very fast after stopped hadoop (due to
>> connection exception)" Demai Ni
>> HBASE-8203 master ui should display region servers with host, port plus
>> startcode" rajeshbabu
>> HBASE-9524 Multi row get does not return any results even if any one of
>> the rows specified in the query is missing and improve exception handling"
>> Vandana Ayyalasomayajula
>> HBASE-10198 Add a note on how to Import 0.94 exported file to a 0.96
>> cluster or onwards" Jeffrey Zhong
>> HBASE-10194 [Usability]: Instructions in CompactionTool no longer
>> accurate because of namespaces" Aleksandr Shulman
>> HBASE-10143 HBASE-10033 Clean up dead local stores in FSUtils" Elliott
>> Clark
>> HBASE-10116 SlabCache metrics improvements" Nick Dimiduk
>> HBASE-10338 Region server fails to start with AccessController
>> coprocessor if installed into RegionServerCoprocessorHost" Vandana
>> Ayyalasomayajula
>> HBASE-10056 region_status.rb not adopted to 0.96 api" Samir Ahmic
>> HBASE-10495 upgrade script is printing usage two times with help option."
>> rajeshbabu
>> HBASE-10548 Correct commons-math dependency version" Nick Dimiduk
>> HBASE-10527 TestTokenAuthentication fails with the IBM JDK" Gary Helmling
>> HBASE-10570 Allow overrides of Surefire secondPartForkMode and
>> testFailureIgnore" Andrew Purtell
>> HBASE-10631 Avoid extra seek on FileLink open" Matteo Bertozzi
>> HBASE-10627 A logic mistake in HRegionServer isHealthy" Liu Shaohui
>> HBASE-10592 Refactor PerformanceEvaluation tool" Nick Dimiduk
>> HBASE-10587 Master metrics clusterRequests is wrong" Jimmy Xiang
>> HBASE-10604 Fix parseArgs javadoc" Jean-Marc Spaggiari
>>  HBASE-10579 [Documentation]: ExportSnapshot tool package incorrectly
>> documented" Aleksandr Shulman
>> HBASE-10435 Lower the log level of Canary region server match" Matteo
>> Bertozzi
>> HBASE-5356 region_mover.rb can hang if table region it belongs to is
>> deleted." Jimmy Xiang
>> HBASE-10567 Add overwrite manifest option to ExportSnapshot" Matteo
>> Bertozzi
>> HBASE-9708 Improve Snapshot Name Error Message" Matteo Bertozzi
>> HBASE-10669 [hbck tool] Usage is wrong for hbck tool for
>> -sidelineCorruptHfiles option" Deepak Sharma
>> HBASE-10594 Speed up TestRestoreSnapshotFromClient" Lars Hofhansl
>> HBASE-10678 Make verifyrep tool implement toolrunner" bharath v
>> HBASE-10432 Rpc retries non-recoverable error" Nick Dimiduk
>> HBASE-8076 add better doc for HBaseAdmin#offline API." rajeshbabu
>> HBASE-10716 [Configuration]: hbase.regionserver.region.split.policy
>> should be part of hbase-default.xml" Srikanth Srungarapu
>> HBASE-10733 Shell incr command should allow last parameter (value) to be
>> missing. As documented." Jean-Marc Spaggiari
>> HBASE-9294 NPE in /rs-status during RS shutdown" Rekha Joshi
>> HBASE-8604 improve reporting of incorrect peer address in replication"
>> Rekha Joshi
>> HBASE-10739 RS web UI NPE if master shuts down sooner" Jimmy Xiang
>> HBASE-10738 AssignmentManager should shut down executors on stop" Jimmy
>> Xiang
>> HBASE-10744 AM#CloseRegion no need to retry on FailedServerException"
>> Jimmy Xiang
>> HBASE-10745 Access ShutdownHook#fsShutdownHooks should be synchronized"
>> Jimmy Xiang
>> HBASE-10656 high-scale-lib's Counter depends on Oracle (Sun) JRE, and
>> also has some bug" Hiroshi Ikeda
>> HBASE-10760 Wrong methods' names in ClusterLoadState class" Victor Xu
>> HBASE-10163 Example Thrift DemoClient is flaky" Enis Soztutar
>> HBASE-10159 Replaced deprecated interface Closeable" Jimmy Xiang
>> HBASE-10182 Potential null object deference in
>> AssignmentManager#handleRegion()" Jimmy Xiang
>> HBASE-10547 TestFixedLengthWrapper#testReadWrite occasionally fails with
>> the IBM JDK" Andrew Purtell
>> HBASE-10589 Reduce unnecessary TestRowProcessorEndpoint resource usage"
>> Andrew Purtell
>> HBASE-10639 Unload script displays wrong counts (off by one) when
>> unloading regions" Srikanth Srungarapu
>> HBASE-10731 Fix environment variables typos in scripts" Albert Chu
>> HBASE-10769 hbase/bin/ has wrong usage string" Vamsee
>> Yarlagadda
>> HBASE-10770 Don't exit from the Canary daemon mode if no regions are
>> present" Matteo Bertozzi
>> HBASE-10735 [WINDOWS] Set -XX:MaxPermSize for unit tests" Enis Soztutar

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