On the thread http://search-hadoop.com/m/DHED4uBtYz1, we voted an Orca as
our mascot.

Below let us pick which Orca representation to use going forward.

Intentionally, we are not voting on an 'hbase logo' + Orca combination.  We
are justing voting on an Orca representation. Let putting together our
current logo and the chosen Orca image be a separate project (done by a
professional!). I think it ok voting on the image only because how they are
combined will vary with deployment context. We are voting on the image only
also because getting a set of 'hbase logo' and Orca combinations that are
of equal treatment to put under your noses is too much work.

So, please vote on which Orca representation we should use going forward as
the Apache HBase mascot.  First review the options and then add your vote
in the section on the end.

First up are the classics:
 There are four on this page.  Number #1 is nkeywals's favorite.  Lets vote
on #1 and #2 only from this page (Where #2 is the black version of
nkeywal's favorite).

This page has four from which to choose:
_Orca_Logo_round5.pdf The options are called out below as "Page N from

Enis used this one in his hbase 1.0 hbasecon talk:

Here is an image that just needs attribution arranged in a few ways by JMS:

Lets call this option the 'plus_orca'

And finally, these two the miscellaneous orcas #1 and #2:

Fill in an 'x' into the box below for the one you want.

[ ] nkeywal's favorite
[ ] Black version of nkeywal's favorite
[ ] Page 1 from Apache_HBase_Orca_Logo_round5.pdf
[ ] Page 2 from Apache_HBase_Orca_Logo_round5.pdf
[ ] Page 3 from Apache_HBase_Orca_Logo_round5.pdf
[ ] Page 4 from Apache_HBase_Orca_Logo_round5.pdf
[ ] Enis hbasecon talk
[ ] JMS orca
[ ] Plus orca
[ ] Miscellaneous #1
[ ] Miscellaneous #2
[ ] None of the above!

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