Good work was done you've just raised.  Thanks, Ram.
We'll get there.


On Thu, Aug 20, 2015 at 8:53 PM, ramkrishna vasudevan <> wrote:

> Hi All
> Thanks for all the discussion. Joining in late to the discussion.
> Apart from the above the other update is in the replicaiton layer when we
> have cells with Visibility tags.  The facility is to replicate the labels
> as String is available now.  So in the peer cluster we need not depend on
> the ordinal numbering -sometimes the ordinal numbering may not be same in
> the source and peer cluster. In all such cases replicating as String would
> be easier so that the validation and ordinal creation can be done based on
> the peer cluster.
> @Jerry He
> I know you have been actively reviewing and working on the cell level
> features.  So may be when you come across some gaps better to raise JIRAs
> and we can try to close that gap.  The feature may require some updates
> after the proc V2 goes in I suppose.
> Thanks for  a nice discussion.
> Regards
> Ram

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