Last sunday, when i was bored, i thought  'let's fix some naive stuff, oh..
checkstyles!'. After some time and few changes, I realized what can be more
boring than idling around...repeating large mechanical change across 5
branches :-(. And can't just do it for single branch.

Then, looking at history of checkstyle errors:
5th sept: 3815
7th sept: 1834  <-- what happened in last 2 days?
5th nov: 1726
Seems like they do get fixed over time.

So the idea here is, increase the code quality bar to see how good/bad we
are, basically know where we stand, and work incrementally towards getting
Personally, in all my patches, i'll fix some checkstyle issues only around
the code am touching. But if someone wants to go on a rampage and fix lots
of them at once, wohooo!

On Tue, Nov 10, 2015 at 8:51 AM, Jonathan Hsieh <> wrote:

> Is the goal just to incrementally fix these as we touch code or do you plan
> some mass check style cleanup?
> I've recently started contributing again and like how the checkstyle
> scripting enforces a monotonicly decreasing # of violations.
> On Monday, November 9, 2015, Apekshit Sharma <> wrote:
> > Sometimes, looking at certain things in our code makes me think, 'How did
> > it  get in, there should be some kind of check for it!'.
> > Looked at different checkstyles rules and I think we can enable the
> > following ones to improve the formatting quality of our codebase.
> >
> > ImportOrder
> > <> :
> keep
> > imports in sorted order
> >
> > LeftCurly <
> > :
> > Placement of left curly brace. Does 'eol' sounds right setting?
> >
> > NeedBraces <
> >> :
> > braces around code blocks
> >
> > JavadocTagContinuationIndentation
> > <
> >
> > >
> > :
> > Avoid weird indentations in javadocs
> >
> > NonEmptyAtclauseDescription
> > <
> >
> > >
> > :
> > We have sooooo many empty javadoc @ clauses. This'll take care of it.
> >
> > Indentation <
> >> :
> > Bad indentation hurts code readability. We have indentation guidelines,
> > should be fine enforcing them.
> >
> > - Apekshit
> >
> --
> // Jonathan Hsieh (shay)
> // HBase Tech Lead, Software Engineer, Cloudera
> // // @jmhsieh



Apekshit Sharma | Software Engineer, Cloudera | Palo Alto, California |

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