
* checked signatures / sums[1]
* spot checked LICENSE/NOTICE
* spot checked file header compliance using apache-rat plugin on clean
source unpack
* build from source[2]
* source matches commit c26c554ab3a8deecf890873bf6b1b4c90fa001dc
(which a tag named 0.98.18RC0 points to)

[1]: ASF policy requires that each file hosted in the project dist
space have a file with _just_ the MD5 sum in a file named after the
original with ".md5" as a suffix. (Having an additional file with all
the checksums is a good practice, IMO.) AFAICT we haven't been doing
this in the 0.98, 1.0, or 1.1 lines, so I don't want to hold up this
vote for it. I think we can just fix in the future and retroactively
make appropriate files for old releases from the MD5 contained in the
mds files.

relevant policy:

[2]: I had a couple of test failures in mvn verify, but they were of
the "waiting for hbase to start" variety.

On Sat, Mar 19, 2016 at 2:20 AM, Andrew Purtell <apurt...@apache.org> wrote:
> The 1st HBase 0.98.18 release candidate (RC0) is available for download at
> https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/hbase/hbase-0.98.18RC0/ and Maven
> artifacts are also available in the temporary repository
> https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapachehbase-1132/ .
> The detailed source and binary compatibility report for this release with
> respect to the previous is available for your review at
> https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/hbase/hbase-0.98.18RC0/0.98.17_0.98.18RC0_compat_report.html
> . There are no reported problems or warnings.
> The 46 issues resolved in this release can be found at
> https://s.apache.org/cOY3 .
> I have made the following preliminary assessments of this candidate:
> - Build with source artifact with RAT and enforcers enabled (-Prelease)
> completes successfully
> - Unit test suite passes (7u79)
> - Loaded 1M rows with LTT, no errors or unexpected messages observed, all
> keys verified, latencies within expected range.
> - Loaded 10M rows with PE (randomWrite, 10 threads) while concurrently
> reading (randomRead, 10 threads), no errors or unexpected messages
> observed, reported latencies within expected range.
> - Built and ran unit tests with head of Apache Phoenix 4.x-HBase-0.98
> branch, all pass (7u79)
> - Poked around the UI, seems ok
> Signed with my code signing key 4B6D7DF3.
> Please try out the candidate and vote +1/0/-1. This vote will be open for
> at least 72 hours. Unless objection I will try to close it Friday March 25,
> 2016 if we have sufficient votes. Three +1 votes from PMC will be required
> to release.
> --
> Best regards,
>    - Andy
> Problems worthy of attack prove their worth by hitting back. - Piet Hein
> (via Tom White)

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