0.98 has had a great run! I think it's entirely reasonable to start winding
it down. Maybe some blog post walking through the upgrade process --
demonstrating how easy it is and where the gotchas may lie would help
encourage our brave and true 23%.

Thank you for your dedicated and diligent 2.5 years and 21 releases! You
are an impressive volunteer.

On Friday, August 26, 2016, Andrew Purtell <apurt...@apache.org> wrote:

> Greetings,
> HBase 0.98.0 was released in February of 2014. We have had 21 releases in 2
> 1/2 years at a fairly regular cadence, a terrific run for any software
> product. However as 0.98 RM I think it's now time to discuss winding down
> 0.98. I want to give you notice of this as far in advance as possible (and
> have just come to a decision barely this week). We have several more recent
> releases at this point that are quite stable, a superset of 0.98
> functionality, and have been proven in deployments. It's wise not to take
> on unnecessary risk by upgrading from a particular version, but in the case
> of 0.98, it's getting to be that time.
> If you have not yet, I would encourage you to take a few moments to
> participate in our fully anonymous usage survey:
> https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/NJFKKGW . According to results received so
> far, the versions of HBase in production use break down as:
>    - 0.94 - 19%
>    - 0.96 - 2%
>    - *0.98 - 23%*
>    - 1.0 - 20%
>    - 1.1 - 34%
>    - 1.2 - 23%
> These figures add up to more than 100% because some respondents I expect
> run more than one version.
> For those 23% still on 0.98 (and the 2% on 0.96) it's time to start
> seriously thinking about an upgrade to 1.1 or later. The upgrade process
> can be done in a rolling manner. We consider 1.1 (and 1.2 for that matter)
> to be stable and ready for production.
> As 0.98 RM, my plan is to continue active maintenance at a roughly monthly
> release cadence through December of this year. However in January 2017 I
> plan to tender my resignation as 0.98 RM and, hopefully, take that active
> role forward to more recent code not so full of dust and cobwebs and more
> interesting to develop and maintain. Unless someone else steps up to take
> on that task this will end regular 0.98 releases. I do not expect anyone to
> take on that role, frankly. Of course we can still make occasional 0.98
> releases on demand. Any committer can wrangle the bits and the PMC can
> entertain a vote. (If you can conscript a committer to assist with
> releasing I don't think you even need to be a committer to function as RM
> for a release.) Anyway, concurrent with my resignation as 0.98 RM I expect
> the project to discuss and decide an official position on 0.98 support. It
> is quite possible we will announce that position to be an end of life.
> --
> Best regards,
>    - Andy
> Problems worthy of attack prove their worth by hitting back. - Piet Hein
> (via Tom White)

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