On Thu, Mar 9, 2017 at 12:34 AM, Phil Yang <yangzhe1...@apache.org> wrote:
> So my suggestion is cutting branch-x faster and have some fixed period, for
> example, six month or one year?

You are right Phil.

The Release Managers for the minor releases have been doing a good job
keeping up a decent release cadence but we have an abysmal track record
when it comes to pushing out majors. First we were afraid to commit --
witness how long it took us to get to a 1.0 -- and then pushing out the 1.0
took a monster effort. 2.0 looks to be a repeat of the errors of 1.0. My
sense is that 2.0 is beyond saving at this stage.

Can we do 3.0 different? As per your suggestion?


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