Build status: Failure

If successful, the website and docs have been generated and the site has been 
updated automatically.
If you're getting this email, it probably failed and you may need to update the 
site manually if you can't get Jenkins fixed.

If failed, see

YOU DO NOT NEED TO DO THE FOLLOWING ANYMORE! It is here for informational 
purposes and shows what the Jenkins job does to push the site.

  git clone
  cd hbase-site
  wget -O-
 | funzip > ${GIT_SHA}.patch
  git fetch
  git checkout -b asf-site-${GIT_SHA} origin/asf-site
  git am --whitespace=fix $GIT_SHA.patch
  git push origin asf-site-${GIT_SHA}:asf-site
  git commit --allow-empty -m "INFRA-10751 Empty commit"
  git push origin asf-site
  git checkout asf-site
  git branch -D asf-site-${GIT_SHA}

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