FYI, this is the quarterly report about HBase project health, as submitted
to the Apache board today. If you have any questions, feel free to ask here
or bring them to the PMC or release management team. Happy New Year!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Misty Stanley-Jones <>
Date: Tue, Jan 9, 2018 at 10:58 AM
Subject: [REPORT] HBase - January 2018

Please vote +/-1 on this report by Jan 9. These stats cover HBase project
activities from Oct-Dec 2017. Happy new year!

HBase is a distributed column-oriented database built on top of Hadoop
Common and Hadoop HDFS.

hbase-thirdparty is a set of internal artifacts used by the project to
mitigate the impact of our dependency choices on the wider ecosystem.


None at this time.


HBase had three releases during this reporting period, including one alpha
release working toward 2.0.0.

- HBase 1.1.13 was released on Sun Dec 10 2017. This was the final release
in the 1.1 branch. Thanks to Nick Dimiduk for managing releases on this
branch for us.
- HBase 1.4.0 was released on Sun Dec 17 2017. This is the first release of
our new 1.4 code line, the latest in the 1.x series of minor releases.
HBase 1.4.0 incorporates 660 bug fixes and improvements and several new
features. See the 1.4.0 release announcement in the archives of our dev
list for more details. We expect to make releases from this line on roughly
a monthly cadence.
- HBase 2.0.0-alpha-4 was released on Mon Nov 06 2017.

In addition, hbase-thirdparty had one release.

- hbase-thrirdparty-2.0.0 was released on Mon Dec 25 2017


Development toward a HBase 2.0.0 release is going well, with the fourth
alpha released in November and the first beta around the corner. A release
candidate went up for vote for that beta, but the vote did not pass due to
stability concerns, and we are continuing work to stabilize before the
first beta. Thanks to Michael Stack for driving the 2.0.0 effort. Work
toward the Beta has continued to engage lots of discussions on the dev@
mailing list and to increase interest in the project overall.

Work on the HBase 1.4.x line is going well, and the HBase 1.1.x line is now
at an end.

The HBase project has added five new committers during this reporting
period, with a total of 71 committers.

- Lars Francke was added as a committer on October 16.
- Rahul Gidwani and Jan Hentschel were added as committers on October 25.
- Zheng Hu was added as a committer on October 21.
- Yi Liang was added as a committer on December 20.

Thanks to PMC members, committers, and active community members for a
successful 2017 for the HBase project!


The dev@ mailing list saw a slight decrease in membership, but a marked
increase in activity. This was due to several substantial discussions about
project health, work on the upcoming 2.0.0 Beta, and discussion of new
features and design changes.

The user@ mailing list saw a slight decrease in membership and a small
decrease in the number of discussions. This is probably due to holidays.

The builds@ mailing list saw a decrease in traffic, due to significant work
on stabilizing build and test infrastructure over the past quarter.

71 committers
38 PMC members
755 JIRA tickets created
730 JIRA tickets closed/resolved

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