Hi :

(Paste from https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HBASE-20166?

There's a really big problem here if we use table based replication to
start a hbase cluster:

For HMaster process, it works as following:
1. Start active master initialization .
2. Master wait rs report in .
3. Master assign meta region to one of the region servers .
4. Master create hbase:replication table if not exist.

But the RS need to finish initialize the replication source & sink before
finish startup( and the initialization of replication source & sink must
finish before opening region, because we need to listen the wal event,
otherwise our replication may lost data), and when initialize the source &
sink , we need to read hbase:replication table which hasn't been avaiable
because our master is waiting rs to be OK, and the rs is waiting
hbase:replication to be OK ... a dead loop happen again ...

After discussed with Guanghao Zhang offline, I'm considering that try to
assign all system table to a rs which only accept regions of system table
assignment (The rs will skip to initialize the replication source or sink

I've tried to start a mini cluster by setting
& hbase.balancer.tablesOnMaster=true , it seems not work. because currently
we initialize the master logic firstly, then region logic for the HMaster
process, and it should be ...

Any  suggestion  ?

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