PMC -- please check out this rc0 if you can as we have already elapsed the 72hr minimum window.

Thanks, Ted, for the vote already.

On 6/7/18 7:35 PM, Josh Elser wrote:

Please vote to approve the following as Apache HBase 1.4.5

Per usual, there is a source release as well as a convenience binary

This is built with JDK7 from the commit:;a=commit;h=74596816c85f1256ec8a302efecc0144f2ea76fa (there is a corresponding tag "1.4.5rc0" for convenience)

hbase-1.4.5-bin.tar.gz: 7C8EFD79 CD5EAEFF 92F2E093 8AC8448C ED5717BD 4C8D2C43                         B95F804B 003E2126 9235EFE0 ABE61302 B81B30B1 F9F4A785
                         17191950 2F436F64 19F50E53 999B5272
hbase-1.4.5-src.tar.gz: FED89273 FFA746DA D868DF79 7E46DB75 D0908419 F3D418FF                         73068583 A6F1DCB2 61BD2389 12DCE920 F8800CAE 23631343
                         DB7601F4 F43331A4 678135E5 E5C566C4

There is also a Maven staging repository for this release:

This vote will be open for at least 72 hours (2018/06/11 0000 UTC).

- Josh (on behalf of the HBase PMC)

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