Agree with Andrew, adding SQL capability to HBase will be little messy task and 
not much value added to HBase when solutions like phoenix already available. 

>>> If SQL support is really the goal it would be better to assist there. Or, 
>>> if the goal is the barest minimal SQL-like thing someone needs to support 
>>> their use case, and then contribute to HBase, call it something else, like 
>>> Cassandra did with CQL. Would be like the other connectors - thrift, REST, 
>>> Kafka, etc. - and should go into the connectors repo, in my opinion.

  Make sense to me.


-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Purtell [] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2018 3:06 AM
To: dev <>
Subject: Re: Rough notes from dev meetup, day after hbaseconasia 2018, saturday 

It would be helpful if someone could forward the relevant bits of Phoenix 
discussion to the Phoenix dev list. One thing I know that project lacks is 
usability feedback. I don't see anyone writing in with suggestions, mainly 
complaining about it on a HBase list somewhere. Could just be I lack 
perspective and those conversations are happening somewhere, but I am a 
subscriber to all of the relevant lists and this is my observation. If a 
correct observation, this is not really fair. I work somewhere that has Phoenix 
in production. There is no doubt the attempt to implement RDBMS functionality 
*inside* HBase as an add on component is a challenging undertaking. However, 
any would be substitute I have seen to date either doesn't actually attempt the 
same challenges, or takes a shortcut which renders any comparison to the 
proverbial "apples and oranges". The tell here is the notion of *lightweight* 
SQL access. Reads as a tremendous limitation of scope. SQL is a huge standard 
incorporating 30+ years of development in relational systems capabilities and 
semantics. We will get into trouble if we ever attempt a "lightweight" SQL 
interface to HBase that fails to match expectations which automatically attach 
to the effort whenever you claim it to be a SQL interface. This is a cross the 
Phoenix project already bears. If SQL support is really the goal it would be 
better to assist there. Or, if the goal is the barest minimal SQL-like thing 
someone needs to support their use case, and then contribute to HBase, call it 
something else, like Cassandra did with CQL. Would be like the other connectors 
- thrift, REST, Kafka, etc. - and should go into the connectors repo, in my 

On Sun, Aug 19, 2018 at 3:50 AM Stack <> wrote:

> Next we went over backburner items mention on previous day staring 
> with SQL-like access.
> What about lightweight SQL support?
> At Huawei... they have a project going for lightweight SQL support in 
> hbase based-on calcite.
> For big queries, they'd go to sparksql.
> Did you look at phoenix?
> Phoenix is complicated, difficult. Calcite migration not done in 
> Phoenix (Sparksql is not calcite-based).
> Talk to phoenix project about generating a lightweight artifact. We 
> could help with build. One nice idea was building with a cut-down 
> grammar, one that removed all the "big stuff" and problematics. Could 
> return to the user a nice "not supported" if they try to do a 10Bx10B join.
> An interesting idea about a facade query analyzer making transfer to 
> sparksql if big query. Would need stats.

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