Hi there!

In HBaseCon 2016 West (San Francisco) I presented, together with David
Pope "Containerizing Apache HBase Clusters". I think there was some
issue with the recording, we were told that due to past issues
recording Facebook talks, they didn't publish the video this time.
That was a pity.

However, I've now checked the archive of HBaseCon and we are
completely absent from there. There were other presentations by
Facebookers in there and they are listed (Matt Mullins on the panel,
for example) and in HBaseCon 2016 East, Mikhail Antonov's talk too,
both with slides and recording.

I'd like to know if you can:

- Fix this, by adding the talk to HBaseCon 2016 East. Here are the
slides, so you can at least link that:

- Find out if the recording took place.

Thanks a ton for all your help!



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