Should be handled in RPC queues first, before mutation op reaches
RingBuffer, I think.
But to answer your question: the only guarantee HBase provide (promises) is
strictly consistent writes and atomicity for
a single row mutation. No, won't break anything. Permutations of mutations
in an execution pipeline is
safe, because they can't violate HBase promises.


On Wed, Nov 7, 2018 at 1:49 PM Jing Liu <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'am trying to add priority to schedule different types of requests in
> HBase. But the Write-ahead logging use RingBuffer which
> is essentially a FIFO queue makes it hard. In this case, let's say if the
> low priority request already queued in the RingBuffer, the high priority
> request can not be executed before all those queued low priority request.
> I'm wondering if I change the FIFO queue into Priority-based queue
> will violate the write consistency guarantee or other issues?
> Thanks,
> Jing

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