
- signatures, checksums: OK
- rat check: OK
- built from source (8u112): OK
- unit tests: OK
- ltt with 1M rows: OK
- web UI: OK
- shell and basic commands: OK

Best regards,

On Mon, Nov 19, 2018 at 10:24 AM Peter Somogyi <psomo...@apache.org> wrote:

> +1 (non-binding)
> Verified checksums and signatures
> Built from source (Java 8u191, Maven 3.5.3)
> Ran unit tests (TestHRegion, TestCellCounter and TestServerCustomProtocol
> crashed during execution but reruns succeeded. Probably issue with my env?)
> Apache Rat check succeeded
> Started binary in pseudo distributed mode (Hadoop 2.7.4)
> Ran LTT with 1M rows
> Checked basic functionalities of Shell and UI
> Skimmed through log files
> CHANGES.txt does not have release date for 1.2.9. Will it be added on
> actual release time?
> Thanks for the release,
> Peter
> On Sun, Nov 18, 2018 at 7:09 AM Sean Busbey <bus...@apache.org> wrote:
> > The first release candidate for HBase 1.2.9 is available for download:
> >
> > https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/hbase/hbase-1.2.9RC0/
> >
> > Maven artifacts are also available in a staging repository at:
> >
> > https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapachehbase-1236/
> >
> > Artifacts are signed with my key (0D80DB7C) published in our KEYS
> > file at http://www.apache.org/dist/hbase/KEYS
> >
> > The RC corresponds to the signed tag 1.2.9RC0, which currently points
> >  to commit ref
> >
> >  fd0d55b1e5ef54eb9bf60cce1f0a8e4c1da073ef
> >
> >  HBase 1.2.9 is the ninth maintenance release in the HBase 1.2 line,
> >  continuing on the theme of bringing a stable, reliable database to
> >  the Hadoop and NoSQL communities. This release includes about a half
> >  dozen bug fixes done in the month since 1.2.8.
> >
> >  The detailed source and binary compatibility report vs 1.2.8 has been
> >  published for your review, at:
> >
> >  https://s.apache.org/hbase-1.2.9-rc0-compat-report
> >
> >  The report shows no incompatibilities.
> >
> >  Critical fixes include:
> >
> >  * HBASE-21347 Backport HBASE-21200 "Memstore flush doesn't finish
> >                because of seekToPreviousRow() in memstore scanner." to
> >                branch-1
> >  * HBASE-21357 RS should abort if OOM in Reader thread
> >  * HBASE-20604 ProtobufLogReader#readNext can incorrectly loop to the
> >                same position in the stream until the the WAL is rolled
> >
> >  The full list of fixes included in this release is available at:
> >
> >  https://s.apache.org/hbase-1.2.9-jira-release-notes
> >
> >  and in the CHANGES.txt file included in the distribution.
> >
> >  Please try out this candidate and vote +1/-1 on whether we should
> >  release these artifacts as HBase 1.2.9.
> >
> >  The VOTE will remain open for at least 72 hours. Given sufficient votes
> >  I would like to close it on November 26th, 2018.
> >
> >  thanks!
> >
> >  -busbey
> >
> >  as of this email the posted artifacts have the following SHA512:
> >
> >  hbase-1.2.9-src.tar.gz:
> >  49498136 FA865B7C E70C0A81 18F6B221 CA3D0266 C26DDDE2
> >  513C206C 4D28E228 048171C2 DD608DB2 0DA164BD ADBED4BF
> >  80DC40E4 6D93CC11 6C25C617 CA25E5A7
> >
> >  hbase-1.2.9-bin.tar.gz:
> >  4D9E1278 8634E250 841E55CB 8879EAC1 5C9BCF7F 09DE018A
> >  AD0CCB0E 118C2D02 BCA5F4F3 EACB9857 D8236E07 6E3CD0A4
> >  43B90567 3AB5C83C AD642547 037588BA
> >

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