Heya, and happy Friday.

I would like to propose that we drop support for receiving contributions by
way of attaching a patch file to a Jira issue. From my perspective, in the
face of modern interfaces for PR-style review, this is an "archaic" form of
contribution that is "actively harmful" to project health. I'm being
intentionally divisive, but here's my argument. The "state of the art,"
"modern" "best practices" revolve around a PR (GitHub/GitLab/Gerrit/&c.)
-style review process that enjoys an intentionally designed user experience
and has many points of friction reduced or removed entirely.

When a patch arrives via Jira attachment, it passes through a process that
suffers from a higher level of friction, something that actively
discourages the level of code review that it could have received via PR. I
believe that reduced friction results is a more thorough, thoughtful review
and a review that's better able to handle large change-sets, vs. the
attached patch process. Specific friction points include:
 * applying a patch for local evaluation is more tedious than checking out
a PR branch.
 * each comment requires the reviewer to provide their own context
(reference line numbers, copy-paste code snippets, &c) before saying
anything at all.
 * threaded discussion around individual comments is impossibly difficult
to manage for both participants and casual observers.
 * a super-human level of attention to detail is required on the parts of
both contributor and reviewer to ensure that all review comments have been
 * syntax highlighting (while rudimentary vs. IDE-based evaluation) makes
patches easier to read and digest.

I claim "actively harmful" compared to the alternative because the above
minor friction points, taken together, discourages the higher quality
reviews that are possible by way of (1) the git-based interface to the
contributed content and (2) a commenting system that supports contextual,
threaded, and resolvable comments.

The primary counter argument I've come up with is based around user access.
It's possible that there's a contributor who has an Apache JIRA ID but not
a GitHub ID, who is unwilling to make an account on the non-Apache service.
Not accepting issue-attached patches means we exclude that contributor from
our community. However, I suspect that the number of active and potential
contributors who falls into that bucket is at or approaching zero. I
suspect that the world of potential contributors who have a GitHub ID but
refuse to make an Apache JIRA ID is actually far greater.

Thus I propose we discontinue accepting patches attached to Jira issues;
our contributor guide would exclusively ask for a PR; we can shut down the
pre-commit robot from scanning Jira.

Thanks in advance for your thoughtful participation in this discussion.

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