
- signatures, checksums: OK
- rat check: OK
- built from source: OK (8u265)
- unit tests: 1 failure (8u265)
- ltt with 1M rows: OK
- web UI: OK
- shell and basic commands: OK

TestCurrentHourProvider failed for me every time, but it passes on
branch-2.2. Commit bdea1ba (HBASE-24898 Addendum to deal with Daylight
Saving Time) should solve this issue.

Best regards,

On Fri, Aug 28, 2020 at 11:22 AM Viraj Jasani <vjas...@apache.org> wrote:

> +1 (non-binding)
> * Signature: ok
> * Checksum : ok
> * Rat check (1.8.0_251): ok
>  - mvn clean apache-rat:check
> * Built from source (1.8.0_251): ok
>  - mvn clean install -DskipTests
> * CRUD: ok
> * Web UI: ok
> * Unit tests pass (1.8.0_251): failed
>  - mvn package -P runAllTests
> Failed flaky tests which were not reproduced later with multiple retries:
> TestReplicationEndpointWithMultipleWAL>TestReplicationEndpoint.testInterClusterReplication:236
> Waiting timed out after [60,000] msec Failed to replicate all edits,
> expected = 200 replicated = 198
> [ERROR]   TestRefreshRecoveredReplication.testReplicationRefreshSource:138
> Waiting timed out after [60,000] msec
> [ERROR] Errors:
> [ERROR]   TestHBaseTestingUtility.testMultipleStartStop:204 » IO Waiting
> for startup of ...
> [ERROR]   TestAsyncTableScan.testScanWithLimitGreaterThanActualCount[3:
> scan=batchSmallResultSize] » RetriesExhausted
> [ERROR]   TestAsyncTableScan.testScanWithLimit[2: scan=smallResultSize] »
> RetriesExhausted
> TestRestoreSnapshotFromClientSimple>RestoreSnapshotFromClientTestBase.setupCluster:59
> » IO
> [ERROR]   TestRegionMoveAndAbandon.test:122 » Runtime
> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Ret...
> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.procedure.TestSplitWALProcedure.testHandleDeadWorker
> [ERROR]   Run 1: TestSplitWALProcedure.setup:65 » IO Waiting for startup
> of standalone server
> [ERROR]   Run 2: TestSplitWALProcedure.teardown:75 NullPointer
> [INFO]
> [ERROR] org.apache.hadoop.hbase.quotas.TestRegionSizeUse.null
> [ERROR]   Run 1: TestRegionSizeUse.tearDown:84->Object.wait:-2 »
> TestTimedOut test timed out af...
> [ERROR]   Run 2: TestRegionSizeUse »  Appears to be stuck in thread
> RS-EventLoopGroup-4-3
> [INFO]
> [ERROR] org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.TestRegionReplicas.null
> [ERROR]   Run 1:
> TestRegionReplicas.testVerifySecondaryAbilityToReadWithOnFiles:491 »
> TestTimedOut
> [ERROR]   Run 2: TestRegionReplicas »  Appears to be stuck in thread
> RS-EventLoopGroup-6-2
> Based on surefire report, tests except TestRegionSizeUse and
> TestRegionReplicas have
> connection issues but these two tests have threads blocked in ZK client.
> If I find some
> useful info from thread dump to report, will file a Jira, however for now,
> I am not
> able to reproduce the same failures locally.
> On 2020/08/26 11:04:27, Guanghao Zhang <zghao...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Please vote on this release candidate (RC) for Apache HBase 2.2.6.
> >
> > The VOTE will remain open for at least 72 hours.
> >
> > [ ] +1 Release this package as Apache HBase 2.2.6
> > [ ] -1 Do not release this package because ...
> >
> > The tag to be voted on is 2.2.6RC1. The release files, including
> > signatures, digests, etc. can be found at:
> > https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/hbase/2.2.6RC1/
> >
> > Maven artifacts are available in a staging repository at:
> > https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapachehbase-1406/
> >
> > Signatures used for HBase RCs can be found in this file:
> > https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/hbase/KEYS
> >
> > The list of bug fixes going into 2.2.6 can be found in included
> > CHANGES.md and RELEASENOTES.md available here:
> > https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/hbase/2.2.6RC1/CHANGES.md
> > https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/hbase/2.2.6RC1/RELEASENOTES.md
> >
> > A detailed source and binary compatibility report for this release is
> > available at:
> >
> https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/hbase/2.2.6RC1/api_compare_2.2.6RC1_to_2.2.5.html
> >
> > To learn more about Apache HBase, please see http://hbase.apache.org/
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Guanghao Zhang
> >

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