Hi Devs,

I'm working on auditing the 2.6.0 fixVersion JIRAs in prep for the RC0. One
thing I'm noticing is there are a couple umbrella JIRAs which have
fixVersion of 2.6.0 but no corresponding commit in the branch. This is
because all of the work was done in sub-tasks, and those sub-tasks are in
the branch. Here's an example:

I'm curious how we want to handle this. On the one hand it seems good to be
able to 1-to-1 link JIRA fixVersion to commits in branches. On the other
hand, umbrella are useful aggregators and can be nice for consolidating
release notes.

Maybe the audit tool I'm working with can just ignore umbrella, or maybe
umbrella tasks should be handled in a feature branch and eventually merged
in with the umbrella jira ID.


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