Most users who would employ a mTLS authentication scheme would operate with 
this trust model. The fact the client has a valid signed certificate means it 
can be trusted, and that trust includes supplied connection metadata like 
username. Or, if not, then not. 
So then a lot of security engineering effort goes in to protecting the trust 
established by certificate distribution, like using short lived certs, and 
secure distribution methods. 

> On Jun 7, 2024, at 6:34 AM, Bryan Beaudreault <> wrote:
> You're sort of correct. We've been using mTLS in prod for a while now, ever
> since the feature was committed. It's true that the actual HBase username
> is not verified with mTLS, however you still can authenticate the
> connection. The idea behind mTLS is that the certificate carries the
> authentication -- so a client will need a certificate which has been signed
> by the same CA (or at least within the CA chain) which signed the server's
> certificate, and vise versa.
> For us, if someone has a valid certificate and the mTLS authentication
> succeeds, then we just trust their username. Based on how we use HBase in
> our environment, this is perfectly secure for our use-case. That may not
> work for everyone, and I did file a jira to add a feature for validating
> the username (perhaps pulling from a custom certificate property). But I
> haven't actually implemented that, and not sure that I will since it works
> as-is for us.
> I'm on mobile now so I can't find it, but it should be findable in jira if
> you search the tls-related tickets
>> On Fri, Jun 7, 2024 at 8:53 AM Andor Molnar <> wrote:
>> Hi Bryan / Hbase devs,
>> Based on the changes when you added mTLS support in HBASE-27280 [1],
>> only the certificate and hostname verification part were added to the
>> codebase. HBase doesn't actually authenticates the user when mTLS is
>> being used.
>> In other words some other auth method Simple or Kerberos is still
>> needed to identify the HBase user, because mTLS doesn't extract
>> identity information from the client certificate and doesn't map it to
>> an active HBase user.
>> Is that correct?
>> Regards,
>> Andor
>> [1]

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