Am 2020-01-01 um 14:45 schrieb Oleg Kalnichevski:

Shall I proceed with HttpCore 5.0-beta11 release or not?

Do we still need to rename anything in core?

One nit during testing which should be addressed before GA:

When running: JSSEProviderIntegrationTest and Conscrypt JAR does not contain a JNI wrapper for the platform the tests are run:
unzip -t 
./org/conscrypt/conscrypt-openjdk-uber/2.2.1/conscrypt-openjdk-uber-2.2.1.jar | 
grep native
    testing: META-INF/native/         OK
    testing: META-INF/native/   OK
    testing: META-INF/native/conscrypt_openjdk_jni-windows-x86.dll   OK
    testing: META-INF/native/libconscrypt_openjdk_jni-osx-x86_64.dylib   OK
    testing: META-INF/native/conscrypt_openjdk_jni-windows-x86_64.dll   OK

tests fail with:

> JSSEProviderIntegrationTest.*[Conscrypt TLS v1.2] » UnsatisfiedLink
> JSSEProviderIntegrationTest.*[Conscrypt TLS v1.3] » UnsatisfiedLink

in detail (example):

[ERROR] testSimpleGet[Conscrypt TLSv1.2](org.apache.hc.core5.testing.nio.JSSEPro         
                            viderIntegrationTest)  Time elapsed: 0.34 s  <<< 
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no conscrypt_openjdk_jni-freebsd-x86 in 
java.lib                                     rary.path

That's bad portability. I would expect an Assume which verifies that the security provide has been successfully loaded.



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