There seems to be increasing interest in supporting MariaDB as an
option for storing metastore metadata. Supporting it as a database
option is also easy as it is compatible with mysql. I thought it would
be useful to discuss supporting it in the dev list before creating any

There are two aspects I would like to discuss -

1. Changes in hive to support MariaDB

The existing mysql schema creation/upgrade scripts in hive should just
work for mariadb as well.
However, MariaDB has some additional optimizations that we might want
to use in future to optimize queries for it. That would mean creating
specific scripts for mariadb.

However, until we introduce such MariaDB specific tuning, I think it
is better to avoid duplicating the mysql scripts.

To make the transition to possibly using MariaDB optimized scripts
easier, one option is to have schematool consider it as an alias for
mysql until that happens.

2. Testing with MariaDB
It would be useful to have tests for mariadb as well on the lines of
what is available for mysql in, to ensure that
mariadb support is not broken.


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