
We have landed many changes in master that have extended and
consolidated the work done in Hive 2.0, including features,
improvements and bug fixes for key modules such as LLAP, Hbase
Metastore, ACID, CBO, authentication, etc.

Thus, I think it is a good moment to start the discussion about
releasing Hive 2.1. I would like to volunteer to be the release
manager if there are no objections.

As we did for 2.0, please mark the unfinished features that you'd
like to go in, and must-fix bugs via Target Version field in the JIRAs.

I'll start a VOTE thread soon, but I would like to hear your opinion.

We can fork around Friday May 20 assuming the vote passes, by which 
time the features that are ready to go should mostly be in.


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