For the upcoming releases, we'll use these TODOC labels in JIRA:

   - *TODOC3.0* for patches committed to master (only) after 23 March 11:06
   pm PST.
   - *TODOC2.3* for patches committed to branch-2.
      - Patches committed to master *before* 23 March 11:06 pm PST (when
      branch-2 was split off) are already labeled *TODOC2.2* but those
      labels need to be changed.
   - *TODOC2.2.0* for patches committed to Owen's branch-2.2
   <>, which presumably will
   be moved to Hive's github tree eventually *but is not the same as Hive's
   branch-2.2 <>*.

So the old label *TODOC2.2* will become obsolete because it's ambiguous now
that release 2.2.0 is cherry-picking patches made since 2.1.1.

References:  About next 2.3 release
, Re: Backward incompatible changes

Can anyone explain what Hive's branch-2.2 is, and how we're going to avoid
confusing it with Owen's branch-2.2?

-- Lefty

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