Hi, I am new to Hive. I have configured Hadoop and Hive on Windows 7 through Cygwin.
Currently I am running hive queries on Hive CLI. I want to ask question that: When I enter the hive queries I get the following errors as: Query: bin/hive -e "insert overwrite table pokes select a.* from invites a where a.ds='2008-08-15';" Errors: bin/hive -e "insert overwrite table pokes select a.* from invites a where a.ds='2008-08-15';" Hive history file=/tmp/Bhavesh.Shah/hive_job_log_Bhavesh.Shah_201112021007_2120318983.txt Total MapReduce jobs = 2 Launching Job 1 out of 2 Number of reduce tasks is set to 0 since there's no reduce operator Starting Job = job_201112011620_0004, Tracking URL = http://localhost:50030/jobdetails.jsp?jobid=job_201112011620_0004 Kill Command = C:\cygwin\home\Bhavesh.Shah\hadoop-0.20.2\/bin/hadoop job -Dmapred.job.tracker=localhost:9101 -kill job_201112011620_0004 2011-12-02 10:07:30,777 Stage-1 map = 0%, reduce = 0% 2011-12-02 10:07:57,796 Stage-1 map = 100%, reduce = 100% Ended Job = job_201112011620_0004 with errors FAILED: Execution Error, return code 2 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.MapRedTask So what could be the solution? Pls suggest me. Thanks and Regards, Bhavesh Shah.