What are expectations for Hive 3 in terms of API compatibility - especially
in regards to old clients talking to Hive 3 servers?

- Alex

On Thu, Dec 14, 2017 at 1:50 PM, Thejas Nair <thejas.n...@gmail.com> wrote:

> This direction looks good to me.
> If the new exceptions are inheriting from TException the applications would
> still work. But would it still work if we old metastore client library is
> used with a newer version of metastore server running with these changes ?
> On Wed, Dec 13, 2017 at 4:02 AM, Peter Vary <pv...@cloudera.com> wrote:
> > Hi Team,
> >
> > Since the work begin to separate the HMS to a standalone project we
> > thought that it would be useful the create extensive API tests for the
> > public APIs of the new project.
> > We started to create tests using the IMetaStoreClient interface
> > implementations and found that not surprisingly the happy paths are
> working
> > as expected, but there are some gaps in the exception handling. Most of
> the
> > enhancements affect the Thrift API as well.
> > We went through the following methods:
> > Functions
> > Indexes
> > Tables
> > Databases
> > We also plan to comb through at least the Partition related methods too.
> >
> > The possible enhancements we found could be grouped to the following
> > categories:
> > Bugs: For example IMetaStoreClient.drop/alter/createFunction with null
> > function name might throw NullPointerException exception - this is
> clearly
> > a bug which should be solved:
> > Embedded MetaStore throws NullPointerException
> > Remote MetaStore client throws TTransportException
> > Sub-optimal error handling: For example IMetaStoreClient.alterFunction
> > will not check if the new function is already exist, and tries to insert
> it
> > anyway. After 10 tries it throws a MetaException where the exception text
> > is "Update of object [...] failed : java.sql.
> > SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException [...]". Fixing this could be
> > done without interface change, but following the logic of the other
> methods
> > on the interface AlreadyExistsException should be thrown.
> > Inconsistent exception handling: Different methods will throw different
> > exceptions for similar errors. This makes the interface hard to
> understand,
> > hard to document and maintain. For example:
> > Calling IMetaStoreClient.createTable with nonexistent database name will
> > throw InvalidObjectException
> > Calling IMetaStoreClient.createFunction with nonexistent database name
> > database will throw NoSuchObjectException
> > There are some cases when the Embedded MetaStore handles error
> differently
> > than the Remote MetaStore. For example: IMetaStoreClient.dropTable with
> > "null" as a database:
> > Embedded MetaStore throws MetaException
> > Remote MetaStore client throws TProtocolException
> >
> > Proposed changes:
> > Fixing cases 1. and 2. is a simple bug fix - it could be done
> independently
> > Fixing cases 3. and 4. will change how the IMetaStoreClient and HMS
> Thrift
> > API works. For these we should review the IMetaStoreClient and HMS Thrift
> > API interface exception handling, to create consistent and easy to follow
> > rules for the possible exceptions. We propose to keep the current
> > exceptions, and only change when the given type of exceptions are thrown.
> > If we stick to this then the interface will be binary backward compatible
> > since currently every method defines TException as a throwable and every
> > exception is inherited from TException. I think we allowed to change this
> > since 3.0.0 is a major release.
> >
> > Do we agree with the general direction of these changes?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Peter
> >
> >

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