Hi Team,

The MetaStore API tests are designed to be easily extensible by new MetaStore 
configurations. Just take a look at the following class: 
MetaStoreFactoryForTests. We can add a new configurations here like it is done 
with the RemoteMetaStore.
What we have to decide is: which is the right level to test DirectSQL methods. 
MetaStore level or on ObjectStore level. I can see pros and cons about both 
solutions. What do you think?


> On Mar 2, 2018, at 8:14 PM, Sergey Shelukhin <ser...@hortonworks.com> wrote:
> There used to be a special ObjectStore for tests that would run stuff both
> with and without DirectSql in tests and fail on mismatch. Not sure about
> its state now.
> On 18/3/2, 11:05, "Vihang Karajgaonkar" <vih...@cloudera.com> wrote:
>> Direct SQL is controlled by configs metastore.try.direct.sql
>> and metastore.try.direct.sql.ddl which are enabled by default. So I am
>> guessing the API tests will cover the direct SQL enabled path only unless
>> the tests override the default configs (I don't think they do).
>> On Fri, Mar 2, 2018 at 10:51 AM, Alexander Kolbasov <ak...@cloudera.com>
>> wrote:
>>> We currently use two distinct code paths via ObjectStore - the regular
>>> one
>>> and direct SQL. So I think all the tests that verify HMS API
>>> functionality
>>> should somehow cover both cases.
>>> Peter - what are your thoughts?
>>> - Alex

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