Current release notes for Hive-2.3.3 are: RNs

Release Notes - Hive - Version 2.3.3

** Bug
    * [HIVE-16939] - metastore error: 'export: -Dproc_metastore : not a
valid identifier'
    * [HIVE-18767] - Some alterPartitions invocations throw
'NumberFormatException: null'
    * [HIVE-18788] - Clean up inputs in JDBC PreparedStatement
    * [HIVE-18815] - Remove unused feature in HPL/SQL
    * [HIVE-18879] - Disallow embedded element in UDFXPathUtil needs to
work if xercesImpl.jar in classpath
    * [HIVE-18885] - DbNotificationListener has a deadlock between Java and
DB locks (2.x line)
    * [HIVE-20304] - When hive.optimize.skewjoin and
are both set to true, and the execution engine is mr, same stage may launch
twice due to the wrong generated plan
    * [HIVE-20441] - NPE in ExprNodeGenericFuncDesc  when
hive.allow.udf.load.on.demand is set to true

** Improvement
    * [HIVE-19900] - HiveCLI HoS Performs Invalid Impersonation If User
Name Truncated
    * [HIVE-20284] - In strict mode, if constant propagation is enable, the
partition filter may be folded before partition pruner lead to error "No
partition predicate for Alias"

See table for short summary.
Issue Comment
HIVE-18767 Issue is not in Hive-2.3.3
HIVE-20304 Issue is unresolved in Apache Hive JIRA
HIVE-20441 Issue is unresolved in Apache Hive JIRA
HIVE-19900 Resolved: Workaround. No commit to see
HIVE-20284 Issue is unresolved in Apache Hive JIRA

Please remove incorrect JIRAs from RNs.


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