Hey All!

I was planning to replace the ptest stuff with something less complex for a 
while now - I see that we struggle a lot because of ptest is more complicated 
than it should be...
It would be much better if it would be constructed from well made existing CI 
piece. - because of that I've started working on [1] a few months ago.

It has it's pros and cons...but it's not the same as the existing ptest stuff.
I've collected some infos about how it compares against the existing one - but 
it became too long so I've moved it into a google docs document at [3].

It's not yet ready... I still have some remaining problems/concerns/etc
* what do you think about changing to a github PR based workflow?
* it will not support at all things like "isolation" - so we will have to make 
our tests work with eachother without bending the rules...
* I've tried to overcommit the cpu resources which creates a more noisy environment for the actual tests - this squeezes out some new problems which should be fixed before this could be enabled. * for every PR the first run is somewhat sub-optimal...there are some reasons for this - the actually used resources are the same; but the overall execution time is not optimal; I could accept this as a compromise because right now I wait >24 hours for a precommit run.

It's deployed at [2] and anyone can start a testrun on it:
* merge my HIVE-22942-ptest-alt branch from [4] into your branch
* open a PR against my hive repo on github [5]


[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-22942
[4] https://github.com/kgyrtkirk/hive/tree/HIVE-22942-ptest-alt
[5] https://github.com/kgyrtkirk/hive/

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