Hello Hive community,

We have been organizing community meetups for projects related with Data Lake Management, and we thought it would be great if we celebrated each other's work by selecting Contributor of the Month by a popular vote.

Everyone is welcome to participate and let us know who is doing excellent work on different parts of Spark, Hive, Hadoop, or suggest any other open source project, under the Data Lake umbrella. The winner will get a small "Thank you" gift from Google's Open Source Programs Office.

The process is easy, each month we will ask you to nominate someone you know filling out this form: https://bit.ly/32fmS91 <https://bit.ly/32fmS91>

Now it is time to nominate January favorites!

Thank you and good luck to the nominated ones :)


Mara Ruvalcaba
COO, SG Software Guru & Nearshore Link
USA: 512 296 2884
MX: 55 5239 5502

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