Stamatis Zampetakis created HIVE-26653:

             Summary: Wrong results when (map) joining multiple tables on 
partition column
                 Key: HIVE-26653
             Project: Hive
          Issue Type: Bug
          Components: HiveServer2
            Reporter: Stamatis Zampetakis
            Assignee: Stamatis Zampetakis

The result of the query must have exactly one row matching the date specified 
in the WHERE clause but the query returns nothing.
CREATE TABLE table_a (`aid` string ) PARTITIONED BY (`p_dt` string)
row format delimited fields terminated by ',' stored as textfile;

LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '../../data/files/_tbla.csv' into TABLE table_a;

CREATE TABLE table_b (`bid` string) PARTITIONED BY (`p_dt` string)
row format delimited fields terminated by ',' stored as textfile;

LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '../../data/files/_tblb.csv' into TABLE table_b;

set hive.optimize.semijoin.conversion=false;

SELECT a.p_dt
       FROM table_b
       GROUP BY p_dt) a
     (SELECT p_dt
      FROM table_a
      GROUP BY p_dt) b ON a.p_dt = b.p_dt
     (SELECT p_dt
      FROM table_a
      GROUP BY p_dt) c ON a.p_dt = c.p_dt)
WHERE a.p_dt =  translate(cast(to_date(date_sub('2022-08-01', 1)) AS string), 
'-', '');
+Expected result+

+Actual result+

To reproduce the problem the tables need to have some data. Values in aid and 
bid columns are not important. For p_dt column use one of the following values 
20220731, 20220630.

I will attach some sample data with which the problem can be reproduced. The 
tables look like below.

The problem can be reproduced via qtest in current master 
 by running the TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver.

There is specific query plan (will attach shortly) for which the problem shows 
up so if the plan changes slightly the problem may not appear anymore; this is 
why we need to set explicitly hive.optimize.semijoin.conversion and to trigger the problem.

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