Thanks Ayush, Thanks Stamatis for your valuable inputs. 

Let us a give a try to get at least 2 releases/year so that we can evaluate 
further on strategy plan of release activity. I see another mail thread for 
interested devs who can volunteer as Release Managers for next subsequent 

Let us chime in there and give a try.
Closing this thread for now.  


> On 13-Mar-2023, at 5:13 PM, Stamatis Zampetakis <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am not sure what a branch cut actually refers to. As I mentioned in the
> past I am not in favor of maintaining multiple release branches; the cost
> is high and the number of volunteers is simply not enough. I am willing to
> reconsider if things change in the near future.
> Apart from that, having frequent releases from master is definitely great
> for consumers  and good for the health of the project; two, three releases
> per year would be great but for this to happen we need volunteers (mostly
> release managers).
> One thing that I have seen working well in other projects is to decide in
> advance the next 3-4 release managers. Maybe it's worth trying implementing
> this in Hive.
> Best,
> Stamatis
> On Sun, Mar 12, 2023 at 6:07 PM Ayush Saxena <> wrote:
>> Hi Kirti,
>> Thanx for the initiative. This sounds very interesting, but I doubt if it
>> is that easy to incorporate. Sharing my thoughts:
>>   - Regarding "Unpredictable" : I don't think we are like doing very
>>   unpredictable releases. It should be a formal mail, like Release x.y.z
>> and
>>   then the RM usually shares a potential Branch freeze date, then a
>>   margin number of days for blockers or critical tickets. And this entire
>>   process would be around a minimum of 1 month and usually will go around
>> 3
>>   months.
>>   - Regarding "Regressions": Quicker releases doesn't certainly mean more
>>   stable releases.
>>   - Regarding half-baked features: We are mostly developing on master
>>   branch, we don't have a concept of feature branch(a lot of projects have
>>   that), So, if a bunch of features are running in parallel by different
>> set
>>   of people, with a "fixed" date it is practically impossible to achieve,
>>   this thing needs to be negotiated b/w all of them.
>>   - Even if we pin a date, that ain't sufficient, we need volunteers who
>>   can take up the RM role, If we proceed with this we should decide the
>> RM as
>>   well beforehand.
>>   - This timeline thing can get screwed up in case you hit a security
>>   issue: AFAIK you can't announce a CVE unless you have a release on all
>>   active release lines with the fix. So, in that case this schedule will
>> get
>>   messed up and the RM, the dates would require to be renegotiated.
>>   - Sometimes you need to release early because a downstream project needs
>>   a fix, which blocks their way to upgrade Hive. Standard practice, almost
>>   All apache projects are concerned about each other and help others in
>>   upgrading, so in that case I am not sure holding them for a fixed date
>> is
>>   cool or not
>>   - Mostly what I have observed, A release takes place when we have enough
>>   tickets to release, We don't want to just keep on releasing with just
>> 20-25
>>   fixes, nor we want to push straight 800-900 fixes in one go. The number
>> of
>>   fixes, the nature of fixes all should be taken in account while planning
>>   the release date.
>> In general: Good Idea, We should definitely encourage more frequent
>> releases, having a "strict" date or not is debatable.
>> -Ayush
>> On Sun, 12 Mar 2023 at 19:44, Kirti Ruge <> wrote:
>>> Hello HIVE Dev,
>>> I would like to discuss/propose incremental and cadence predictable
>>> process for HIVE releases.
>>> Currently, our releases have a very random span in between, and those
>> have
>>> sometimes caused problems like-
>>> 1. All downstream and end users have unpredictable schedules because of
>>> upstream.
>>> 2. More chances of regression issues when there is an unplanned release
>>> date. As developers and release managers have to rush, this prevents us
>>> from focusing on having a proper regression-free release.
>>> I would like to propose a branch cut twice a year to have two strict
>>> releases yearly. It would make release cadence predictable for end users
>>> and bring some disciplinary schedules for all users, including downstream
>>> projects.
>>> Advantages of this approach-
>>> 1. If we pin a branch cut date, features can be prioritized better so
>> that
>>> no half-baked stuff goes into release.
>>> 2. Such Incremental release will help in better regression and reduce the
>>> burden from release management activity( result is reduced issues and
>>> problems with quality). It will eventually help to streamline release
>>> management activity.
>>> Let me know your thoughts.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Kirti

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