We now have a system automatically building and testing patches. Thanks much to Brock and Cloudera for driving this through.
https://builds.apache.org/user/brock/my-views/view/hive/job/PreCommit-HIVE-Build/ I can already see by the 30 day summary that this has greatly accelerate the test-and-commit process. We are getting one or sometimes two reviews and votes on issues! We are also creating more issues to now, but that is a happy problem :) There is a big swath of things on the backlog that we and the patch tester will have to chew through. If you have a feature you would like reviewed please read: 1) contributing rules https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Hive/HowToContribute and https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Hive/Hive+PreCommit+Patch+Testing and We are not yet running this automatically. You should run checkstyle before you send a patch. You can also setup your IDE to use apache conventions and your IDE will do the cleanup for you. 2) As Namit pointed out on the dev list in an earlier email, we are a thin on java-doc. I do believe that good code is self documenting, but the 'why' gets lost sometimes. I think Gunther did a great job here to document the fact that ':' is not an acceptable character as an example. https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-4865 As I mentioned, we have a backlog now and it will take some time to chop that down, but now might be a good time to rebase your patch and clean it up a bit. Edward