Hey Folks,

Could you please take a look at the below problem. We are hitting OutOfMemoryErrors while joining tables that are not managed by Hive.

Would appreciate any feedback.

On 10/7/13 12:04 PM, Mehant Baid wrote:
Hey Folks,

We are using hive-0.11 and are hitting java.lang.OutOfMemoryError. The problem seems to be in CommonJoinResolver.java (processCurrentTask()), in this function we try and convert a map-reduce join to a map join if 'n-1' tables involved in a 'n' way join have a size below a certain threshold.

If the tables are maintained by hive then we have accurate sizes of each table and can apply this optimization but if the tables are created using storage handlers, HBaseStorageHanlder in our case then the size is set to be zero. Due to this we assume that we can apply the optimization and convert the map-reduce join to a map join. So we build a in-memory hash table for all the keys, since our table created using the storage handler is large, it does not fit in memory and we hit the error.

Should I open a JIRA for this? One way to fix this is to set the size of the table (created using storage handler) to be equal to the map join threshold. This way the table would be selected as the big table and we can proceed with the optimization if other tables in the join have size below the threshold. If we have multiple big tables then the optimization would be turned off.


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